Glemseck 101, 2017

Glemseck 101, Festival: ‘Spirit of Sprint’ Film by BMW

Custom motorcycles and Rock ‘n’ Roll are a winning and timeless combination destined to be together since inception. Glemseck 101 is a perfect example of that winning combination. And BMW shows that in this short film documenting so of the highlights of Glemseck 2017.


Glemseck 101 has been held for over 15 years in Leonberg, Germany, just outside of Stuttgart and looks like an excellent way to spend three days, at the end of the summer.

There’s a rock ‘n’ roll, festival vibe, as custom and vintage motorcycle partisans gather alongside racers to celebrate the best of custom culture.

For most in attendance, the highlight of the festival is the energetic sprints over a furlong. This video captures then energy of the sprint event.

Glemseck 101, 2017, ‘Sprint Spirit’ by BMW Motorrad

Familiar Faces at Glemseck 101, 2017

This year’s event, on 1st-3rd September, was attended by a host of familiar faces, including ‘Mr Super Bike’ himself, Carl Fogarty, flying the flag for Triumph.

Also in attendance, were vintage bike racer, Joy Lewis CCS champion Nate Kern and renowned wrencher, Kengo Kimura from Heiwa Motorcycles, to name a few. Krautmotors‘ customised BMW E-Scooter C evolution, “E-LisaBad” makes an appearance towards the end of the video, as a “futuristic dragster for the dragstrip”.

Glemseck 2017 Winners can be seen here.

Definitely, one to pop on your calendar for next year!

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